Shenzhen Roadshow

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Shenzhen Roadshow –
5G+AI: Accelerating the Era of Limitless Intelligent Connectivity

Date: Tuesday, 10 Dec 2019
Time: 13:30 – 18:30
Deloitte Innovation Center at Greater Bay Area, 9th Floor, China Resources Building, 5001 Shennan East Road, Luohu District, Shenzhen

Speakers (listed in no particular order)


Qie Yin, Technical Leader of Mass Production Projects, Internet of Vehicles Division, Baidu


Tom Kwok, Managing Partner South China (Mainland China), Deloitte



郭先生曾于 2003-2008 年度于上海德勤执业,辅助中国企业在海外及香港证券市场上市, 2010-2014 年度担任德勤华南区市场发展部领导合伙人,2014 年开始担任德勤深圳办公室主管合伙人,现任德勤中国华南区(大陆地区)主管合伙人。

Tony Hu

Tony Hu, Consulting Partner, Deloitte China

Dr. Hu has nearly 20 years of professional experience in e-commerce, business process optimization, information systems planning and implementation consulting and project management. In the ERP era, Dr. Hu has made great achievements in business process optimization, system solution design and system implementation, and ERP project management. He has participated in or led the implementation of more than 20 projects involving multiple industries and fields, such as telecom operation services, import and export trade, non-ferrous metals, construction and design, manufacturing of electronic communication equipment, home decoration and retail, automobile manufacturing and so on. In the post-ERP era, Dr. Hu actively participates in the planning, construction, implementation, supervision and other work of enterprise e-commerce systems, assists enterprise informatization to carry out the integrated development of “backstage, middle and front desk”, and actively explores how to transplant “Internet genes” into traditional Enterprise business, promoting the digital transformation of traditional industries in the era of mobile Internet.


Kimm Diao, Head of Brand and Event Marketing North East Asia, Ericsson

Kimm Diao joined Ericsson’s global headquarters in Stockholm, Sweden in 2012. He is engaged in global service consulting and is responsible for the service process and performance management of ten business areas around the world. Two years later, he joined Customer Unit China Mobile of North East Asia, in charge of national sales of IP, Cloud, Transport, Core Networks. In 2016, he transferred to Marketing and Communications in North East Asia, heading the Brand and Event Marketing.

Kimm Diao hold a Master of science in ICT engineering from KTH Royal Institute of technology, Stockholm, Sweden as well as double Bachelor of Engineering and science, from China and Ireland.


Dr. Letian Rong, Chief Marketing Officer, Foxconn 5G Research Institute

拥有将近 15 年以上在通信,移动通信行业和物联网的工作经验和积累。
在 4G,5G 和蜂窝物联网(如 NB-IoT)技术上从最初的标准化到之后的产业化都有深入参与。
2012 年就开始在前公司爱立信参与和日本运营商 DOCOMO 和软银关于未来 5G 的规划。
曾在爱立信负责和运营商中国移动 5G 和物联网的合作,期间成功的主导了多个“世界第一”项目(包括“全球首个基于 NB-IoT 的互联工厂”)。
自从 2017 年在富士康科技集团 5G+ 工业互联网研究所(富华科)担当首席营销官,负责 5G+ 工业互联网的市场和战略规划以及营销。


Dr. Dongsheng Wu, General Manager of Strategy and Brand, Gosuncn Technology Group Co.,Ltd

东南大学博士,17 年 TMT 从业经历。现任高新兴科技集团股份有限公司首席方案架构师&战略与品牌总经理,广东省智能网联汽车与智能交通应用专业委员会副主任委员,粤港澳大湾区自动驾驶产业联盟副理事长,广东省车联网产业联盟专委会委员。在加入高新兴之前,曾担任中兴通讯股份有限公司副总裁职务。

拥有多年 B2B/B2G 整合营销及品牌经验,对5G、车联网、物联网、大数据、人工智能、数字化转型、智慧城市有深刻洞察。

吴冬升博士全面负责高新兴战略及品牌工作,推进高新兴 5G 车联网战略规划和落地。从技术方案、应用场景和商业模式三个维度进行5G车联网的探索和实践,构建车载模组终端、车路协同和车联网及智慧交通平台层面的核心竞争力。推进高新兴与政府、高等院校、国家实验室、上下游企业、标准组织和行业联盟之间的战略技术合作。


Calvin Huang, General Manager, G7

Calvin 现为 G7 智慧物流行业总经理,毕业于美国乔治城大学,拥有 MBA 学位, 精通中英日三国语言, 在就职于 G7 之前, 曾经在日本,美国及中国工作多年,服务过爱立信,富士康,Ubuntu, PTC等多家知名外资企业, 在日富士康主要负责 Softbank, Yahoo BB, Fujitsu 的 ODM 销售任务, 而在 Ubuntu 负责云计算的商务拓展和 Linux 技术底层解决方案落地, 在全球领先的物联网公司 PTC 主要负责 IoT 赋能企业数字化转型及推动工业 4.0 技术的达成。

Sianne Ryders

Sianne Ryder, Head of Events, Asia, GSMA

Sianne Ryder is the Head of Events, Asia of the GSMA Ltd that produces leading global industry events. Starting off her career from a retail banking and payments event series at the Lafferty Group/VRL Publishing, Sianne joined the GSMA sales team in 2005. Sianne has taken various leadership roles in the GSMA Ltd relates to business development, commercial strategy and partnerships across the global portfolio of the GSMA events including MWC, Mobile 360 event series and an investor-start up programme 4YFN. Sianne has relocated to Hong Kong since 2017 leading MWC Shanghai – a global platform for doing business in the mobile ecosystem.

Sianne holds a bachelor degree from the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa.


Jessie Chang, Head of Ecosystem Engagement, GSMA Greater China

Leading GSMA 5G Innovation & Investment Group and Ecosystem Engagement in GSMA Greater China, covering the areas of 5G, IoT and AI etc. Before joining GSMA, worked in the telecommunication industry for more than 25 years at Relay2, Nokia and Nortel Networks, with the experience across wireline and wireless product management and sales management on edge computing, ESIM and NB-IoT etc.

Hold MBA degree in Peking University and live in Beijing now.


John Xu, Sales Director, Greater China, GSMA

John Xu is the Sales Director of GSMA Greater China Region, he heads the GSMA Greater China sales team and is in charge of strategic commercial partnership of GSMA key partners such as Qulacomm, Intel, Ericson and Nokia etc.

Mr. Xu has more than 10 years’ experience in organizing large scale international trade events, especially in telecom and mobile technology area. He joined GSMA since 2012, when GSMA launched the inaugural “Mobile Asia Expo.” and has helped GSMA successfully grow this event into one of the largest mobile event in Asia, which is now rebranded as “MWC Shanghai”.


Dan Han, Channel Director, Shenzhen Photonic Crystal Technology Co., Ltd


Yan Ling, VP, Neolix Technologies Co., Ltd

新石器慧通(北京)科技有限公司,副总裁;拥有十余年智能硬件和移动互联网资深产品运营经验,曾任海尔通信有限公司事业部总经理、三星电子中国区 GSM 产品总监,艺火网络创始人,现全面负责新石器无人车的市场体系搭建,运营落地及多部门协同。


Yi Liu, Co-Founder & Chief Strategy Officer, Jiatui

19 年丰富的 2B,2C 战略规划和实战落地经验,曾在全球最大的 To B 公司 ORACLE 和最大的 To C 公司腾讯,微信担任核心管理岗位。在流量营销,用户增长,品牌定位,战略定位,商业模式,企业投融资策略, 全球化运营和品牌打造,投融资并购以及头后管理等领域具备大量丰富的实战经验。



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